Welcome to Well Fed Wellness

We believe that food is foundational for health and that you don’t have to do this alone.

What is functional nutrition?

Functional nutrition is rooted in functional medicine, or the comprehensive approach to health that takes into account personalized root causes of disease. Therapeutic food is the heart of functional nutrition to help rebalance the body as we aim to promote innate and intelligent healing. We put the whole picture together- how to improve lifestyle, optimize health, and improve symptoms WITHOUT relying on a million supplements or a 20-page protocol that is impossible to follow. While I am not a doctor, I work with your conventional healthcare providers as an advocate and to help you understand your body better.

Through our work we’ve seen skin issues clear up, bloating go way down (yes it’s possible), clients poop more regularly, and energy levels come back alive.

You know functional nutrition is right for you if

  • Your doctor only gave you generic “eat more fruits and vegetables” advice without listening to all the things you’ve tried

  • You were told a low-FODMAP diet might improve your symptoms (what.is.a.fodmap?)

  • Your last lab work was off but no one said anything to you

  • Your last lab work was all normal but you still don’t feel good

  • Bloating is a normal, daily occurrence

  • You were told you were sensitive to dairy…12 years ago and you really miss cheese

  • You eat well but still don’t feel normal

Our Origin Story

Well Fed Wellness was created from hearing the same heartbreaking story over again- a throw-away comment made by a provider years ago about diet or a focus on weight at the doctor’s office led to a complicated relationship with food. Fast forward to years of googling symptoms or trying fad diets with no results and no symptom resolution. WFW was created for YOU as a sustainable, safe, balanced way to help you resolve bloating, constipation, diarrhea, blood sugar issues, and to help you feel trust in your body again.

We believe in a comprehensive but simple approach to nutrition care that emphasizes a sustainable plan. Nutrition needs to work for you and your lifestyle so we help craft and refine a plan based on your schedule and timeline. We use a Health at Every Size approach where health is not defined by BMI or weight. We also honor your personal desires if it includes weight loss and improving your relationship to food.

I look forward to meeting you and hearing your story.

Meet Lisa

I believe everyone deserves to be well fed and well nourished on their way to optimal health. Nutrition isn’t about what we can restrict or eliminate, rather it is about abundance. Going deeper, it’s also about how we eat, how we live, and how we can help move you along the path towards your goals.

I practice from a Health at Every Size and intuitive approach that honors and respects all bodies and nutrition goals. My passion and expertise combines this approach with functional nutrition which means we do deep dives into your unique health and lifestyle to find a plan to make you feel better.

In my spare time I enjoy jumping in alpine lakes, making adventure snacks for my bike, chilling with my pups, and learning all the names of your pets and meeting them on camera.

    • Master’s of Science in Nutrition from University of Bridgeport

    • BFA in Photography from Seattle University

    • Certified Nutrition Specialist

    • Certified Nutritionist in the state of Washington

    • Wilderness First Aid + Navigation (in case you’re ever lost in the woods I got you)

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