Your well fed and well nourished path to health

Well Fed Wellness is a functional nutrition practice without obsession or crazy diets.
We help improve your relationship to food while empowering your health.

We believe in compassionate, you-centered nutrition care that gets to the root cause of your health concerns.

Well Fed Wellness helps you find answers and solutions to your unique symptoms from uncomfortable gut stuff to fatigue and insomnia to anxiety. We’re here to guide you away from information overload and overwhelm to a place of contentment and peace with your body.

We trust in your body’s innate ability to heal.



We blend functional nutrition with inclusive weight neutral care to help you feel more confident around all things food, nutrition, and health.

If you’re tired of searching the internet for answers or relying on vague advice from your doctor, we've got you. We collaborate with you to create a sustainable, shame-free care plan because YOU are the expert of your own body. Stop outsourcing your health and learn to trust your body again.

  • Can be covered by insurance or we offer out of pocket sessions.

    If you’re looking for individual nutrition counseling to help relieve symptoms or health concerns this is for you.

  • Don’t know what to cook tonight or tomorrow or…every night?

    Meal planning services take into account your personal preferences, family size, food likes, cooking equipment and are catered to your nutrition needs.

    Save money on delivery and feel better with a personalized plan.

  • Virtual cooking lessons help you feel confident in the kitchen and can help you integrate your nutrition plan in the easiest way possible. Plus, they are fun!

  • Check the blog and Instagram for upcoming events.

    Cooking as a group is a relaxed, non-judgmental, fun way to meal prep, learn new tips and tricks, and grow a community.

Well Fed Success Stories

  • If you've been searching for a nutritionist -- search no more! I cannot recommend Lisa enough as a nutritionist. Before I started seeing her, I was so apprehensive of the toxic "diet talk" and fatphobic comments that I had received from some other providers. However, this was NEVER the case with Lisa, not even once. Lisa really understood both my previous health history and my current situation and was able to provide holistic care that integrated nutrition seamlessly into the rest of my life. She is so incredibly knowledgeable, and made connections between nutrition and other aspects of my health and wellbeing that I never would have seen without her. Her expertise also goes one step beyond, in that she's not only able to explain the science to me, but also able to help me functionally integrate that science by providing meal suggestions and new recipes so that I can actually USE the information she's giving me. Thank you, Lisa!

    Zoey S

  • Lisa is the most knowledgeable, empathetic, and patient-focused nutritionist I have ever worked with. She is a great listener and really took time to understand my needs and answer my questions and concerns. The foods and recipes she organized for my diet are SO BOMB and I love that she taught me the science behind it so I can get to understand my dietary needs better. I feel so lucky to have Lisa as an ally on my health journey, it hasn't been easy and she is a huge asset to helping me feel better.

    Sarah W

  • I was just talking about you today...and yesterday. I met with a new GI doc (the 4th one since being here in NYC), and he was amazed at all the help you gave me. I was telling him how everything my PCP recommended didn't help, yet you had a ton of solutions I'm still using today. He agreed with all the stuff you came up with to help me and wasn't a bit surprised that you figured out the methane issue etc. He has soooo much respect for people who do your tough job. Then today, I got a haircut and it's the first time since 2021 where I feel like my hair is almost back to how it was before losing all of it. Its 100% because of you and your help. I was on the verge of tears while she was chopping away because I could SEE the difference finally. So, thank you for all you do for me and your patients. You really do affect our quality of life and I for one am grateful!

    Maura M

  • It has seriously been my life’s aim to experience even just a daily bowel movement, let alone 2. As a kid I suffered intensely from constipation. So much so that I would miss school and social events. And in adulthood I just had accepted it as a fact of life. It sounds trivial to some but it’s such a big deal for me.

    I’m deeply grateful for how you’ve influenced my life. Not just my digestive life either….also my A1C, inspiration to garden and join a CrossFit gym!

    Betsy M

Hi, I'm Lisa!

In my work as a functional nutritionist I’ve heard too many clients say that they have a strained relationship with food or their body from past diets and obsessive advice from health practitioners. I passionately believe in the healing power of functional nutrition but it only works if approached with care, compassion, and respect for individuality.

Through my own health journey, I’ve been that person intrigued by shiny new diets only to “fail” miserably and keep rinsing and repeating the cycle of misery. I’ve used healing practices to learn how to trust my body again, eat with abundance, and incorporate therapeutic nutrition, lifestyle habits, and positive psychology to ditch the endless dieting cycle.

I believe in the same for you and will act as a guide to get you to where you want to be: trusting in your body again and on the way to feeling better.

Stop searching the internet for answers and learn to trust your body again.

Schedule a call today to see if we are a perfect fit for your nutrition goals.